Providing brand recognition are the stylized initials of Metroborgo, Montalto and Marche, placed in the center of the visual identity. Our proposal won second place out of 42 participants from all over Italy.

Comune di Montalto delle Marche
Branding, Digital Design, Graphic design
The concept was designed with the aim of combining the history of the municipality of Montalto delle Marche (AP) with its new modern guise as an attractive center for new generations. The brand takes cues from elements in the municipality’s heraldic coat of arms to position Montalto as a center of connections, information flow and exchange. The brand’s generative lines represent the nine construction sites of the Metroborgo project, and its attractiveness is highlighted by the three converging arrows that read in the negative.
Providing brand recognition are the stylized initials of Metroborgo, Montalto and Marche, placed in the center of the visual identity. Our proposal won second place out of 42 participants from all over Italy.
6ZERO5 ©2023 P.za Giacomo Matteotti, 9—31100 Treviso
P.IVA/VAT nr. 09443450961
6ZERO5 ©2023
P.IVA/VAT nr. 09443450961